My Hero Doesn't Wear Spandex
I've just returned from my first Emerald City Comicon, Seattle's biggest nerd fest! It was a great people watching experience. I saw lots of pink hair, leotards, capes and more spandex than I thought possible.
People flock to the ECCC to meet their comic book heroes. I came simply to check out the scene and gauge whether Jetlagged will have a booth there one day. What I didn't expect was to meet my comic hero.
Matthew Inman is the creator of The Oatmeal, a very popular webcomic that will make you laugh so hard you'll probably pee a little. He's also a huge philanthropist. I became a fan of The Oatmeal many years ago. When I started Jetlagged Comic, I looked to Matthew's approach to web cartooning for inspiration.
Meeting Matthew was so cool. I was all jittery and butterfly-ee (Oh God, do you think he noticed?). If you've ever met a famous person you admire, then you know the feeling. Also super cool is he said he flies my airline a lot. I hope one day I can comp him a sky beer.
Thanks Oatmeal for making ECCC extra special! Here's a great comic he did about getting on and off the airplane that just might make you pee a little.
My husband Robert and I at the Emerald City Comicon!