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17020 Judge, Jury and Executioner

A flight crew is on trial for things out of their control.

With all eyes on the airline industry right now, I felt this comic was a good one to finish up. I've had this lying around in a sketch book for quite some time, as I do many many others.

This comic also comes at a good time because next month I have jury duty! Joy!

Honestly, I'm a bit grumpy about it. At my airline, I'm only paid for what's scheduled on my line. But I usually never work my line (it sucks) and I trade a TON plus pick up extra trips to make ends meet. So right now I cannot trade out of any of my crappy 4 day trips because if I did and I get called to a jury, I wouldn't get paid for them. But If I don't get called, it will be too late to trade out of them or post them for pick up!

I'm between a rock and hard spot.

So, I'll just have to wait and see. I actually think it would be neat to be on a jury, so see how the process works.

How does your airline handle jury duty when you're scheduled to work?

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