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17027 Save the Best for Last

Passenger talks about not needing to watch the safety demo.

I was once a young 20-something. I too had grand ideas about what I believed of the world.

Yes, it's true, as a flight attendant I am obligated to save everyone on the plane if there's an emergency. However, there is no precise "order" spelled out in my contract of who gets to go first. That decision my airline has happily left to me.

But I'll give you a hint: Nice people always rank higher on my list. Higher ranking if you make me laugh.

Rude, condescending, egotistical and everyday jerks will rank very low. You're on your own.

So if you find yourself crawling on your hands and knees in a toxic smoke filled cabin with the blaze of Hell's inferno nipping at your heels and you can't remember where your nearest exits are because you didn't pay attention to the safety demo, then maybe you'll give your flight attendants the courtesy and do so next time.


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