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17040 I'm not a Flight Attendant

Wanda and husband go to a party, but Wanda doesn't want anyone to find out she's a flight attendant.

At parties, the last thing I want is someone finding out I'm a flight attendant. Inevitably, the accusations start flying...

"How come you charge so much for baggage?"

"Why was my last flight canceled?"

"Can I get a buddy pass?"


Even though being a flight attendant is no new occupation, it is, for some reason, still shrouded in mystery. Most people have a zillion questions and misconceptions about it. And with social media and cameras taking aim at the industry whenever they can, it is also grossly misinterpreted.

Be that as it may, I have no desire to set people straight about what I do while trying to relax at a social gathering.

Now, it gets tricky with my husband, since he's also a FA. When we go to parties, our best line of defense is telling people we "work at the airport" or we might say we "travel a lot for business." We try to make it sound as boring as possible to deter further interrogation. But if we're unsuccessful, then the heart attack bit works like a charm!

What do you tell people at a party?

Happy Jetlagging!


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