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Art Studio Upgrade + Cartooning Time Lapse Video

This past week my new drawing tablet from Wacom arrived! It's giant and amazing and I love it. It's called a Cintiq 22HD. It's basically like a giant projector screen for my little Surface Pro (yes, I still have the original).

Because of the generosity of my patron supporters, I was able to purchase this beautiful piece of equipment plus upgrade some Adobe art programs I use.

In the video above, you see me coloring in today's cartoon "Taxi BBQ" in Photoshop CC. I'd been using Photoshop 7 for years, not wanting to upgrade (that means learning something new! I hate learning new things!). OK, not really. I actually really like learning new things. But I had a great system for years and I didn't want to mess with it. Eventually, though, we all must advance. Even me.

I'm currently teaching myself Illustrator CC, which is so over my head it makes me feel like a grandma. All the new kids use it, so I'd better get with it.

Anyway, I hope you like the video and the awesome free techno music accompanying.

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